This week represents Mental Health Awareness Week, the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health. The week, which is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, is in its 20th year and runs from 18-24 May.
This year, the theme for the week is kindness. Across the country, people will be celebrating kindness in a range of digital and creative ways within social distancing restrictions.
Speaking about Mental Health Week Katherine said:
Our mental health and our physical health are just as important as each other. That’s why, particularly at the moment, we need to make sure that we, our friends and our family look after our mental health as much as possible.
I am so pleased that Lancashire has a number of excellent local organisations that are helping combat mental health across the County, they play such an important role in our community all year around. If you are in a mental health crisis and you need urgent help, please call the crisis line on 0800 953 0110 and NHS staff will support you to get the help you need.
I have also produced a short guide which aims at give people tips and information on making sure that you look after your mental health at a time that can be scary to lots of people across the country. You can find it at on my website at:
Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said:
This year may be the most important week we have ever hosted, as cope with and begin think about recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. We must do all we can to reduce the psychological and social impacts of the pandemic which are likely to last far longer than its physical effects.
At time when we must socially isolate, stories of kindness have helped spread a shared sense of connection and joy. The research backs this up - kindness is deeply connected to mental health. The message this Mental Health Awareness Week is that kindness matters. It matters to our mental health and it will matter hugely in the society we build from here – one that better protects our mental health.
How to get involved online:
- Reflect on an act of kindness. Share your stories and pictures (with permission) of kindness during the week using #KindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
- Use Mental Health Foundation resources in your family, school, workplace and community to join with thousands in practising acts of kindness to others and to yourself during the week.